Monday 20 January 2020

Image result for Regular people preparing for the disaster

                                                   Photo captured by the UN

                          "DISASTER PREPAREDNESS"

                                        We, the Filipino people, stand on one of the most disaster prone areas in the world. We, the Filipino people, have endured through all that occurs, whether it may be tsunamis, earthquakes, fires and volcanoes. We have survived it all. However, we must not assume that we have truly survived, we didn't all of these disasters caused destruction and pain, loss of family and life, we had never gone through these horrific events unharmed. In order to truly survive, with as little losses as we can afford. We must prepare, and that is what this essay was made for. To prepare.

                                         With new technologies growing and developing all across the world. Saving more people from disasters has become a lot more easier compared to the olden days of superstitions and unwieldy creations based on loose scientific fact. But, our technology has not reached the point of stopping disaster all together. But they have given us more time to prepare. If you wish to save your homes, the modern era has given us earthquake-proof concrete all fire-insulating walls. If you want to make your belongings to survive, technology has given us special bags and other carriers to defend against shock, fire and blunt force. But we can't rely on these technology alone. We need our communities to help afford, set-up or even create these life saving things. Technology wins battles, but the will of the people shall win the war. It is us, the community that must support and defend those who are vulnerable to disaster. To prepare for disaster, is by the will of everyone, their resolve to survive, and to see others survive with them.

                                             All-in-all, disaster preparedness needs at least 2 things, people and what they have made. What we have made is out inventions, they will save us from the randomness of nature using our big brains. People is us, we will make the inventions and bring them to those who need it. The 2 cannot survive with the other, they must be used in conjunction in order to help us truly survive. This, is true disaster preparedness

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