Tuesday 19 March 2019

School Project

Family Day At ACT

It was January 27, 2019, cold, white, silent. Our classroom wan't that, we were screaming about, throwing random dirty object to wherever possible, and other things. That was the laws of the land until, we were told to go to the lobby and listen to some announcements for the cleaning
our classroom was chosen to clean the canteen, the most disgusting part of the campus, in an already disgusting school.

Here Begins the initial stages, we cleaned the tables and stalls, eliminated plastics and other one-use items out of existence and annoyed any senior high student in the vicinity. It was and absolute cluster fuck of brooms, bags, lost gloves, ants, nine year olds and screaming. I was part of the 6th broom battalion, pushing back the filth menace in the lower chambers known as "The Realm Between The Canteen and Grass" and entrusting the captured fiends to alyas "Bato" and her trash bag. The 6th Broom Battalion was comprised of me, Joaquin, Rhys and Alexis Red, we were the ones who had joined the battle of the Siomai King, The Clash in Two Tables and many others when the battle had started developing.

Second Phase.
The second phase was to go to the other part of the canteen, or the park. It was pretty dirty, of course children and highschoolers alike plagued the land throwing thousands upon hundreds upon tens (Ok what did I just write?), and had murdered sweet, innocent, precious grass by literally planting cups or something in the soil (WHO DOES THAT?). Soon after all the regiments had finished the initial stage and had begun attack the park. We had just started to siege the main circle(?) of the area. It wasn't that bad though, just a few little piles here and there, mabye a little spilled rice or the occasional MCDonald's food bag but nothing too extreme. However, that was when we encountered the land 2 inches further from drop point. It was absolute madness, the garbage was everywhere. It was like a non-water flood of smelly filth and rot. The 6th battalion had to merge with the 1st regiment of glove pickers and The Bag Rangers in order to properly perform clean-up operations inside of our specific location. 

Monday 18 March 2019

Family Day In ACT

Twas a warm January heat, I, Johan had gone to school during Sunday to have our family day. Peculiar time I thought,
believing the perfect time would've been one of the school days to you know,
miss classes, however that would be unfortunate because my education institution has had a habit of shutting down due to the most retarded of reasons. Anyway it began like any school event just doods going along with doods doing whatever their personality dictates them to do. But for me, I was doing the exact same thing, hanging out with the GUCCI GANG because ancient, forgotten members had returned from the depth of the dark, unknowable, placid ocean of time long forgot. After we had reunited we had multiple random adventures such as

  • Despacito In The Hallway!
  • Kicking Bushes
  • Hold-up The Muscial!
  • India Jones and The T-Series Rock!
  • Jojo References Galorapalooza!
And many more!

Time passed, they've gone to greener pastures, and the dancing competition for each and every classroom begins! I don't really remember a lot but there were good highlights like
my English teacher trying to seem hip and young but Succeeding/Failing greatly. Grade 5 students acting like college hookers, Bird Box except it's on a 10 Peso budget and so on. Ours had nothing interesting though, except for that one weird dance move where you stand still while you voluntarily give your legs a goddamn seizure. Yeah that's all.

James and The Giant Peach; A Play I saw In SM Seaside

When I had gone to SM Seaside for a compulsory but FREE viewing of a play acted by a bunch of little preschoolers from the school I come from and I, Johan was slightly irritated of the fact that I had to go there on such a fine day.
However I was hopeful on meeting my school mates during an extended weekend from complications in our campus. Nevertheless the presentation had started whilst me and the BOIS had taken our seats and talked about things other than the play. But I, Johan had listened in case one of the essay-vomiting teachers had planned a writing activity over this event regarding the plot. So it goes along like this, after multiple other tangents of unrelated Disney movies that confuses I, Johan to this very day (and I don't know exactly why they shoved it in there), which, if memory serves go from Frozen to Mulan to Wicked and others, somehow go before the actual main plot which is James and The Giant Peach. Then it continues on, If you have seen the original movie (Exactly as I, Johan had done) you would understand just what happened in the bizarre adventure that took place. But for those who haven't here it goes... (I think that they changed a few things so I guess, yeah)
James is a boy living in a rock(?) house(?) and is loved dearly by his parents
One day he just wants to climb up the Burj Khalifa or something and just stands there until something (It was pretty long so I don't remember the details all that much). And he escapes home or something but a curse(?)  or something just cucks him and now he a tiny boi. Because of this he encounters a cricket, probably a butterfly, and a spider and they travel along the city on the titular Giant Peach and somehow Elsa comes along but I don't really remember and don't really care so after other confusing tangents he finally reaches the top only to remember something about his parents and he goes down
using the same giant peach to meet a girl who looks uncannily like Julia Child
and begins to sing with her I guess. Pretty much I think he returns home but who knows?
And everything his happy and a 5 year old kid has a girlfriend giretozoni